Services in a Funeral Home That You Should Ask About

>> Thursday, October 3, 2013

By Azalea M. Lynn

Businesses are always competing with one another to get more customers. Each business has a different way of doing so. For funeral home business, it is about offering customers a more convenient and hassle-free experience. How do they do this? They offer extra services that you won't normally see in the list of services of funeral homes before. Customer satisfaction is very important for funeral homes and through these services, more customers will patronize their business.

Six Not-so-known Funeral Home Services

1. Grief Counseling- The funeral home is where people grieve for their deceased loved ones. Are you aware that the funeral home might have grief counseling services? There are funeral home directors that are certified grief counselors. Their knowledge in the grieving process helps them run the funeral home business.

2. Obituary Writing Services- During this tough time, the family of the deceased is having a hard time coping with the passing of a loved one; let alone write an obituary. There are funeral homes that offer obituary writing services. This should provide you with a professionally-written obituary that will honor the memory of your loved one properly.

3. Customer Care- Not many people know that funeral homes have to hire a funeral home answering service provider to be able to provide round-the-clock customer care. The funeral home answering service is there to handle the customers' needs and concerns. Anyone can call he funeral home any time of the day. No busy lines, just prompt answering of calls thanks to funeral home answering services.

4. Flower Services- The funeral home flower services take care of all flower arrangements from buying the flowers and getting them delivered. The funeral home is very experienced with picking the right flowers so customers need not worry anymore. The funeral home can present a list of florists or the customer can choose one.

5. Paperwork Services- Arranging paperwork is such a hassle especially if a grieving person just wants to spend his time with his loved ones. However, paperworks are needed to be processed to push through the funeral and burial. Funeral homes go out of their way to help customers by handling the paperwork themselves. This service is very convenient as time is better spent on grieving rather than preparing documents.

6. Accommodations- If the family is expecting visitors from out-of-town, state or country, they can ask the help of the funeral home too. The funeral home can make accommodation reservations and even offer concierge services.

There is peace of mind when you call funeral homes today. Before, grieving family members are rattled with everything they need to do. They cannot even grieve properly. Today, funeral homes are aiming to provide the best customer experience. It is the least they can do for people who patronize their business during these difficult times.

Funeral homes are thinking ahead and with the competition, no funeral home business wants to get left behind. Thanks to the funeral home answering service, you can ask more information 24/7. This should help you choose the right funeral home.

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Will Funeral Home Businesses Benefit from Online Blogging?

By Azalea M. Lynn

One of the most reliable ways for a customer to get in touch with you is through your answering service for funeral homes. But, do you know that there is a more efficient way to do this now? People are relying and depending on the internet to get their information. You must have a business website where your prospective customers can read about your services.

However, disseminating information to your clients cannot just be done through a website alone. In this situation, you should get all the help you can. Haven't you noticed how internet readers respond to blogs? Blogs are articles that are written on a personal level. This helps the writer connect to the readers better. You should add blogging to your funeral home business marketing campaign.

Why Should You Blog?

1. To Communicate- A good reason why a funeral director must start blogging is to communicate with customers. Yes, customers can call through the answering service for funeral homes but they will be talking to trained agents. Customers appreciate it more if the people who run the business are the ones reaching out. Rarely do you see a funeral home director trying to mingle with the online crowd which is why you should start. Through this, the online community will learn more about your business and will result in more exposure.

2. Rank Leader- Not only will you want your website to rank first in the search engine results page, you'd also want to establish your expertise and credibility in the death-care industry. You need not write about the process of embalming or cremation. Instead, share your professional insights, advice and some important details about funeral home services.

3. Grow Closer- There is no better way to get the business of customers than to build a relationship with them. This doesn't mean that you have to talk to them personally or privately. By writing your thoughts and opinions, you can get people to relate to you already. The funeral home business is not that easy to market since many don't like talking about grief. But, if they see your willingness to help, this will be good for your business.

4. To Appeal to Search Engines- When you make a blog, it is wise to use some keywords that will make your funeral home website more appealing to the search engines. There are internet users that will make random searches and they can be directed to your website because you used the right keywords. However, make sure you use keywords that are only related to your business.

5. Optimization- Blogging is a good reason to write new blog posts every day. Google and other search engines like crawling fresh contents. When you post new content, search engine bots will visit your website more often. Thus, increasing your potential to rank higher and gaining more exposure for your funeral home business.

The funeral home business is not really something that you can easily market but, you have to try. Talk about grieving, the funeral process and what services can help grieving families. Talk about hiring the right answering service for funeral homes and how this can benefit a funeral home business. The more information you share, the better impression you will get for your business.

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Three Reasons Why Funeral Homes are Better Off with Outsourced Answering Service

By Azalea M. Lynn

Funeral Homes can be very busy places. Death is never predictable which means people could be calling your funeral home any time of the day. What if your business is already closed for the day? You won't be able to accept the call to help that family through a difficult time; and they will end up calling someone else. You don't want to pay your employees to work around the clock answering phone calls when they have other work they could be doing. You shouldn't lose sleep worrying about how many calls you might be missing.

Funeral home owners have three options to make sure that they don't miss any business opportunity. First, they can hire an employee whose tasked to only answer phone calls during non-business hours. Second, they can use an answering software to automatically answer the calls. Last, they can outsource an answering service company to answer all their phone calls. Among the three, the most cost-effective option is to go for outsourcing answering service. Here are three reasons why you should consider this option:

1. A Real Human- Customers calling the funeral home are often distressed and emotional. The last thing they'd want to happen is to talk to a machine. By outsourcing answering services, customers get to talk to a real human who can understand their needs. It will be more comforting for customers to know that someone will be handling their requests right away. Moreover, the calls will be answered by professionals who are trained to talk to them during this difficult time.

2. Trained Staff- In the funeral business, answering the first call from a customer is crucial. At this time, the customer is still grieving and would like to finish the conversation as soon as possible. Your expertise lies on handling funeral arrangements. It will be best to stick to it. Outsourcing answering services is an excellent idea because the trained staff is always prepared and ready to answer phone calls. They know the proper etiquette to talk to someone who is grieving. Trained customer service agents are always professional and will provide quality performance.

3. More Focus on Work- Outsourcing your answering service allows you and your staff to focus on more important work for your funeral home business. There is no need to worry about answering phone calls throughout the day and even after business hours. Answering phone calls can be a distraction but since you have someone else to take care of it, everyone will be more focused on doing their jobs.

Truly, outsourcing answering services offers convenience for your funeral home business. It gives you peace of mind that phone calls will still be answered even in the dead of the night. With a credible answering service company to help you, you know someone has your back when it comes to answering phone calls.

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How Can A Funeral Program Software Help Your Business?

By Azalea M. Lynn

Do you want your funeral home business to run more efficiently and serve customers better? Using technology will help you achieve both of those things. Even if you only own a small funeral home business, using the right technology will be a big help. And with the availability of computer programs today, finding one to suit your needs won't be a daunting task.

When it comes to caring for your customers, you have to do what it takes. Your customers are going through a rough time. The last thing they'd want is slow service. Using technology to your advantage is actually a no-brainer. This is an investment that will guarantee you great returns for many years to come.

Why should you buy a funeral program software? How can it help you improve your services?

Eco-friendly. Transitioning to a computer network will make you more eco-friendly as you can save on paper. Not only that, employees can easily access files on the database as opposed to searching file cabinets. That's very convenient for everyone.

It specializes in specific areas. Funeral home businesses benefit from using a funeral program software because it is varied. You can choose to use a software specifically for bookkeeping or funeral program creation. You can make the software accessible to your customers too. For instance, customers can directly download the funeral program from your website as opposed to printing dozens of copies on the day of memorial service.

Customization. There are many things customers can choose to customize the funeral service. From the casket, design of the room, flowers to the program. A program may just be a piece of paper but using a customized template is more appreciated by customers. Allow them to customize it as well, they might want to include a photo or a quote in there.

Save you money. You can offer clients the option to print the programs themselves so they can save on your services. The advantage for you is that you save on printing costs.

Your funeral home business may be running well now but there's nothing wrong in changing things for the better. Your business should be about providing quality and convenient services to grieving families. If it will take you to make an investment to speed things up, there's no reason not to consider it. Show your appreciation for their trust by improving your services and the quality of your service. They chose to be at your side during this tough time.

Despite being an additional expense right now, think of it as an investment for the many years to come. You want your business to grow and using technology can help you with this. Prioritize the needs of your customers and if they are happy with your services, your business will continue to grow. Don't think twice about spending money on a software that will make your life easier as this will make your customers happier too.

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The Right Way to Handle Death Calls

>> Friday, February 15, 2013

By Azalea M. Lynn

Answering death calls can be heart breaking. You'll likely answer phone calls from people who are crying or emotional due to the loss of their loved one. In this situation, you want to help them and get all the necessary information you need to arrange the funeral but you don't want to be on the phone with them all evening.

If you decided to outsource answering services be sure that the agents know how to handle death calls properly. Death calls are very different from regular calls. Agents should know how to talk to grieving callers who might want someone to talk to or grieving callers who do not want to spend much time on the phone. Agents should get as much accurate information as they can in a short amount of time. So, what is the right way of handling death calls?

The First Call- What is the first call? The first call is literally the first call made to a funeral home after the death of a loved one. First calls are made to make arrangements with the funeral home. The first thing to be done is to transport the deceased to the funeral home facility. When answering death calls, the answering service agent should introduce the business first and give assurance to the caller that transportation will be on route right after the agent get the information she needs.

Get Accurate Information- The approximate time frame of death calls is around two minutes only. In this short amount of time, the agent should be able to get accurate information on the caller and the deceased. o Know the name of the caller, the location and the contact number of the location. o Know the name of the deceased, the deceased's social security number, time of death and if the patient is ready for release. o Know the next of kin, address and the contact number. o Know the doctor that signed the patient's death certificate. o Know if anyone is already waiting for the transportation from the funeral home.

Double-checking- Before transferring information to the funeral home, the agent should verify the information. The agent can double-check the information for every answer like spelling out names and contact numbers just to be sure.

Reassure Caller- This is the last part of the death call. With the information at hand, the agent can finally inform the funeral home about the arrangements. To end the call, the agent should reassure the caller that the transportation is already in route.

Once the call is finished, the agent should immediately contact the on-call personnel and provide them with all the information. Depending on the answering service company, the funeral home can be contacted through e-mail, SMS message or a website. Usually, all calls are stored in a dedicated website for the funeral home. Owners can check all the messages they have.

Handling death calls the right way is important to the funeral home business. Bear in mind that callers are under distress and they'd rather spend time with their relatives rather than talking on the phone with an agent.

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Three Important Qualities of An Answering Service Agent

>> Sunday, January 27, 2013

By Azalea M. Lynn

Hiring an answering service company is a smart decision for your funeral home business. But, are you ready to start the selection process? Choosing one company to work with will be tough. These companies will try to get your business by making irresistible promises. You should know better than to believe them immediately.

Choosing An Answering Service Company

In an answering service company, their most important assets are their customer service agents. Clients expect that service providers will only provide qualified and highly trained agents to answer phone calls. Choosing an answering service company is a smart decision because this will save you money and effort. However, you should realize that you will be taking a risk here. You will let agents answer your customer's queries and these people do not work directly under you. Thus, to minimize the risk, you should do some digging to know which answering service company you should hire.

When choosing the answering service company, find out how long the business has been running. This will let you know about their experience in the industry. How many employees do they have? What companies are they working for? Read reviews and feedback about the company to make sure they are doing good business.

Top Qualities of A Customer Service Agent

Have you come up with a selection of companies to choose from? If so, you should move on and find out the skill level and competency of their agents. Here are the three qualities every good answering service agent should possess:

1. Good Listening Skills- Let's face it, not every caller will be patient enough when asked to repeat their answers. In fact, many callers can get annoyed by this. You need an agent with good listening skills to get accurate information without asking the caller to repeat themselves. Bear in mind that your callers want to talk to someone who is listening to them and not just someone who wants to get off the line as soon as they can.

2. Is Confident- A good answering service agent acts as a representative for the client. Even though they are outsourced, they should be knowledgeable about the clients they are working for. If an agent is knowledgeable, confidence will follow. Employees should speak confidently to customers. No customer wants to listen to an agent who doesn't really know what he or she is talking about. A confident agent can give customers peace of mind and assurance that their concerns will be handled well.

3. Always Professional- A good answering service agent handles calls professionally even if they are talking to irate callers. In the funeral home business, callers can get pretty emotional. The agent should be prepared to take these calls and gather information even if the caller is crying or angry. Agents should always be composed yet, can empathize with the callers too.

How will you know if the agents have these qualities? Listen to a call demo or better yet, give the agents a call. Be a frustrated caller and see how composed the agent will be. See how accurately they document the information that you provide.

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Are there Benefits of Hiring Telephone Answering Services for Funeral Home?

>> Wednesday, January 23, 2013

By Azalea M. Lynn

Your business is doing very well and you are ecstatic about it. However, you are having a hard time keeping up with the customer calls. You're not complaining but, you want to find a more efficient way to answer phone calls without distracting you from your work. A telephone answering service might just be the solution for you. Why should you consider hiring an answering service company? Here are five benefits of telephone answering services:

1. Offer High Level of Customer Service- With your business doing so well, you and your staff are constantly busy with other things. When your phone is ringing off the hook, you might feel the need to hurry the person off of the phone to get back to your other tasks. Obviously, this is bad for business. One of the benefits of telephone answering services is that you can offer a high level of customer service to all your customers. Customers should be able to talk to someone who is not in a hurry to get them off of the phone, just to get the details for making funeral arrangements.

2. 24/7 Service- You cannot push yourself and your employees to work the entire day and night. You cannot sacrifice your rest time just to answer phone calls as well. Get your much needed rest and let the telephone answering service provider do their job. These customer service agents work night shifts so they can answer phone calls late at night or early morning. They will offer round-the-clock services and you can expect all the information to be handed to you the next day.

3. No Missed Money- Is the thought of missing an opportunity to earn money keeps you awake at night? There is no particular time when customers will call so you should always be prepared. Having a telephone answering service company to take care of your calls 24/7 is a huge benefit for your business. Not only will you be able to grab every sale opportunity, you can also respond to your customer queries promptly.

4. No Angry Customers- If the business is doing well, you will need to increase your phone lines to make sure customers can easily get through. But with telephone answering services, there is no need to spend money on phone lines anymore. The best part of this is that you won't have angry customers who spend several minutes on the line just to contact you. They will support your business more if you show them that you can answer their calls right away.

5. Professional Agents- When you hire a professional telephone answering service, you can feel confident that they have professional agents to handle phone calls from your customers. Since you are in the funeral business, the agents should be trained in handling calls from people who just lost a loved one. Do not worry about this as agents will know how to get the needed information efficiently even through the hard times.

Utilizing a telephone answering service is a great benefit to any successful business. More and more businesses understand the need of hiring a telephone answering service. It's about time that you make this decision to help your business continue to thrive.

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